HOW TO LEARN ANYTHING OR TOUGHEST TOPIC IN EASY WAY: Hello everyone!! Here we are going to discuss interesting tip, that every student is facing , how to start your learning and easy tip for toughest topic?. Before starting have a mind set that learning is a continuous process till your end of your life, start as early as possible .Now a days being a student is very difficult to follow a principles of your life, because of social media addiction. How to start learning new topic: 'one day or day one? You decide'. wake up early is best tip because your brain is like battery when you use whole day, it drains its energy liberally. Wake up early will have a peaceful mind, unnoise surrounding, so your concentration will be more and battery of your brain will be 100%, after wake up don't use your social media for first 3hrs, because it drains your energy of the brain and make you feel bored on a subject and start procasting . Try to avoid your unimportant decision...